Brand Story

The Conscious Commuter

The Conscious Commuter

Our days begin and end with the cadence and rhythm of our lives, where we are going and what we are doing. How we get to where we are going is as important as our final destination. In our everyday lives, we find the fabric of our routines, our passions and our experiences engrained and embodied  everywhere we go. At PEDAL, we make it simple to keep your pace and keep going. Because when we look at what comprises our day to day, it’s our choices, actions and habits that over time create the lives we want to live and the world we believe in. You can find our advocacy for sustainability in everyday life, because ultimately we believe change is informed through integrating what we believe in, with how we live our lives. Slowly, with intention and lots of patience, we are carving out a vision for a new way of moving for today, tomorrow and everyday after that. 

Mornings are notorious for long commutes, quick breakfasts and getting out the door. We’re no stranger to rush hour traffic, and before PEDAL our morning revolved around being in the car in the morning, queuing up which playlists and podcasts were going to make the doomed sea of red brake lights that much less infuriating.  Mornings are made easier with the ease of an e-bike, cruising to a local coffee shop, dropping things off at the post office, grabbing breakfast all become a more intimate and tangible experience rooted in truly being right where you are. You’re not as limited, there is more freedom in zooming through your neighborhood on an e-bike that a car could never emulate. Traffic becomes a thing of the past and so does emptying your wallet at the gas station. Hopping on an e-bike jump starts your day in a way that coffee never could (okay maybe that’s a stretch, but you get the point). 

PEDAL electric is focused on cultivating lifestyle changes, so when we think of grabbing groceries after work or meeting up with our friends we envision our ebikes taking us there through and through. PEDAL electric is the conduit for all these moments of staying connected. More than anything we value being able to be on the go, on the move because we see this spontaneous ability as a driving factor in moving us to live more active present lives with ourselves and our community. 

For the longest time, commuting has always been a thing we dreaded. Traditional ways of commuting take our time, our money and our energy…of course cities with proficient train systems depart from the robotic model of being trapped in your car on a red flowing sea of brakelights on a freeway to your destination; however, we still reserve the best commuting option for our class of e-bikes. We’re not trying to tell you to stop driving your car, that would be unrealistic (but we can dream!), what we are advocating and pushing for is something in the middle. Dreaming up a new way to move, together. We see commuting as an untapped potential for not only our time, but also our adventure, our spirit and our joy. When we can be conscious, slow down and consider new choices, new priorities and new modes of living, we may be surprised by what we discover, who we connect with and where we go. 

Throughout our days there are numerous activities, responsibilities, festivities and things we need to and want to do. PEDAL electric is about the ease of an open day full of potential, cruising and coasting and also the jam packed hustling lifestyle of errands, meetings and appointments; however which way you move there is an opportunity to get out of your car and back into your world. What would it feel like to re-organize your day, your routine and your routes? Maybe you’d remember that there are so many ways to live, so many ways to move and that each day is an opportunity to choose consciously and live consciously.

We are here to do more together with and for the planet. The day to day can be mundane, but we choose to see the magic in the everyday moments. We live for the elements of motion, of moving towards something, reaching and finding ourselves and each other…chasing that last wave, catching sunset, for feeling free, for the future. This is for the dreamers, the hustlers, the chasers and the makers. We are powered by the explorers and the doers in all of us, we are built by the stories and memories in everyday life. We choose to celebrate and seek out a way to live with adventure, with intention and with the planet at the center of everything we do. We live to power the stories of our daily adventures.